
STOP the ID2020 Initiative
Bob S.
started this petition to
U.S Congress and ACLU
In 2016, ID2020 was formed as a global initiative between the United Nations with the support of both public and private entities to create a digital form of identification that would “live with you from life to death” and be implemented globally by 2030. According to ID2020, over 1.1 billion people on the planet lack some form of digital identification or data signature. This initiative has been presented as a means of creating a gateway to economic opportunity for the disadvantaged and effectively increasing global GDP.
According to http://ID2020.org, this “Good” digital ID would be implemented through various technological means such as “biometrics,” which are biological measurements or physical characteristics that can be used to identify individuals. In December 2019, an article was released by MIT (http://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218) describing a medical device that could be used to store an individual’s medical records, but more specifically their vaccination records. This technology is a micro needle patch that could be placed onto the skin, capable of injecting a vaccine into the body and implanting a special dye under the skin’s surface that would be invisible to the naked eye, but could be read by a specially adapted smartphone. According to this MIT article, the research for this technology was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute.
In 2018, Microsoft went public as an official partner of ID2020.
According to http://gatesfoundation.org, a primary focus of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is “Vaccine Development and Surveillance.” For decades, the foundation has pledged billions of dollars towards the technological advancement and implementation of vaccinations in third world countries. So there is clear correlation of their interests in both vaccinations and digital identification. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, Bill Gates withdrew from the Microsoft board, after founding the company 44 years ago, to become a full-time philanthropist, focusing his time and energy on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Reported on April 6, 2020, the foundation is publicly backing a second potential COVID-19 vaccine which is now entering human trials, only 10 weeks since the first case was confirmed in the United States. Reported on April 9, 2020, the foundation will be funding the building of all seven vaccine manufacturing factories for the COVID-19 vaccines. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is visibly at the forefront of vaccines.
The clear and public interconnection between Bill Gate’s personal interest in a globally available digital ID network, subdermal biometric devices used to centralize vaccine and medical records, and the advancement and distribution of vaccinations is an alarming conflict of interest. Many U.S. citizens are concerned that the private interests of Bill Gates and his foundation conflict with our constitutional and the inalienable human right to protect our bodies. We foresee this path entering a space where there is a great potential of the invasion of our civil liberties through legislative and/or executive mandates and the subsequent violation of our bodies. This unconstitutional threat to many is real and tangible.
The right to privacy in the 14th Amendment explicitly mentions protection of the right to liberty. The Supreme Court settled that liberty includes “the right to make family decisions and the right to physical autonomy.” This includes protecting our bodies from forced identification or vaccination.
Furthermore, the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to petition the government. Similar petitions on this subject have been removed with a considerable number of signatures. Our right to have a voice is being compromised at the expense of the vested interest of few private individuals and their own personal agendas. This matter is not just a matter of identification and vaccination, but of protecting our inalienable constitutional rights.
Please sign this petition to help stop the ID2020 initiative from ever entering U.S. soil and to let Congress know that the people of the United States will never willfully accept forced biometric body implants for identification purposes and forced mandatory vaccinations. Once this petition reaches 1 million signatures, an official petition will be sent to every U.S. Congressmember.
According to http://ID2020.org, this “Good” digital ID would be implemented through various technological means such as “biometrics,” which are biological measurements or physical characteristics that can be used to identify individuals. In December 2019, an article was released by MIT (http://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218) describing a medical device that could be used to store an individual’s medical records, but more specifically their vaccination records. This technology is a micro needle patch that could be placed onto the skin, capable of injecting a vaccine into the body and implanting a special dye under the skin’s surface that would be invisible to the naked eye, but could be read by a specially adapted smartphone. According to this MIT article, the research for this technology was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute.
In 2018, Microsoft went public as an official partner of ID2020.
According to http://gatesfoundation.org, a primary focus of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is “Vaccine Development and Surveillance.” For decades, the foundation has pledged billions of dollars towards the technological advancement and implementation of vaccinations in third world countries. So there is clear correlation of their interests in both vaccinations and digital identification. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, Bill Gates withdrew from the Microsoft board, after founding the company 44 years ago, to become a full-time philanthropist, focusing his time and energy on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Reported on April 6, 2020, the foundation is publicly backing a second potential COVID-19 vaccine which is now entering human trials, only 10 weeks since the first case was confirmed in the United States. Reported on April 9, 2020, the foundation will be funding the building of all seven vaccine manufacturing factories for the COVID-19 vaccines. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is visibly at the forefront of vaccines.
The clear and public interconnection between Bill Gate’s personal interest in a globally available digital ID network, subdermal biometric devices used to centralize vaccine and medical records, and the advancement and distribution of vaccinations is an alarming conflict of interest. Many U.S. citizens are concerned that the private interests of Bill Gates and his foundation conflict with our constitutional and the inalienable human right to protect our bodies. We foresee this path entering a space where there is a great potential of the invasion of our civil liberties through legislative and/or executive mandates and the subsequent violation of our bodies. This unconstitutional threat to many is real and tangible.
The right to privacy in the 14th Amendment explicitly mentions protection of the right to liberty. The Supreme Court settled that liberty includes “the right to make family decisions and the right to physical autonomy.” This includes protecting our bodies from forced identification or vaccination.
Furthermore, the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to petition the government. Similar petitions on this subject have been removed with a considerable number of signatures. Our right to have a voice is being compromised at the expense of the vested interest of few private individuals and their own personal agendas. This matter is not just a matter of identification and vaccination, but of protecting our inalienable constitutional rights.
Please sign this petition to help stop the ID2020 initiative from ever entering U.S. soil and to let Congress know that the people of the United States will never willfully accept forced biometric body implants for identification purposes and forced mandatory vaccinations. Once this petition reaches 1 million signatures, an official petition will be sent to every U.S. Congressmember.
(Updated )
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