Now let's ramp up the pressure on the one country that has been protecting Assad and blocking international action: Russia.
Use the tools below to contact Russian leaders directly by phone, email and Twitter. If we send Russia an overwhelming message that the world will not accept their obstructionism, we could get UN action fast and help stop the bloodshed.
Here is the link to the Avaaz report documenting the crimes against humanity. If we all forward it to Russian leaders they will be unable to ignore the harrowing evidence.
Helpful talking points:
- The world wants Russia to stop blocking firm international action to stop the violence in Syria.
- The United Nations Security Council needs to act urgently to stop the bloodshed as a matter of international peace and security.
- It is time to refer Bashar al-Assad and his cohorts to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.
- The evidence is clear that his regime is responsible for crimes against humanity against civilians.
- The Arab League monitoring process is flawed and is no excuse not to refer Syria to International Criminal Court now for crimes already committed.
Most government offices work from 9am - 5pm -- if you miss office hours please try calling again tomorrow. Remember to be polite -- we'll be far more convincing if we are reasonable and courteous. If you don't get through on the phone lines, it probably means we're jamming them -- a good sign! Keep calling!
After you take action by phone, email, or twitter, post a comment on the right to share your experience with others across the globe in the live chat. Then return to the main campaign page and help build a massive call by spreading the word.
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