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Costa Rican Government: Save the Lancaster Wetlands

Costa Rican Government: Save the Lancaster Wetlands

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Alexandra G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alexandra G.
started this petition to
Costa Rican Government
The Lancaster Wetlands are an important wildlife sanctuary and home to more than 250 species of birds and 80 species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians, many of these are endangered. They are an importan part of the Barbilla Destierro Biological Sub‐Corridor, which in turn is a key area for the migration of Jaguars and other felines in the context of the Meso‐American Biological Corridor.

The Lancaster Wetlands are neighbouring the Reventazón Hydroelectric Project and are located on a top of a cliff and are in risk of disappearing do to ilegal material extraction at its bases. The material was required by the Project.

A number of legal claims have been done before the Costa Rican government and the Hydroelectric Projects Investors all without positive results.

Action has to be taken
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