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European Union Parliament Secretariat, Rue Wiertzstraat: Stop Funding the Bullfight in Spain

European Union Parliament Secretariat, Rue Wiertzstraat: Stop Funding the Bullfight in Spain

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This petition has been created by Linda C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Linda C.
started this petition to
European Union Parliament Secretariat, Rue Wiertzstraat

Most of Spain's population is anxious to rid their country and culture of the barbarically cruel bullfight, yet despite protests, the EU (influenced by old Spanish families), sends grant money to keep the bullfight going. 

The undersigned asks that you stop funding this spectacle of the utmost cruelty to animals. 

Bullfighting is the slow torture of a male cow, who ranks very low on the list of 'fighting animals'; in addition the bull is put to great disadvantages days before the so-called 'fight' with laxatives to weaken him; his vision is blurred with petroleum ointment; he suffers with a long cannula in his genitalia; his ears are stuffed with wet newspapers; his horns are shaved down, he is further weakened by the picadors --in other words the bullfight is not the 'dangerous sport' it is touted to be to lure tourists in.  It is all rigged in favor of the matador.

So take away the danger (women, boys, and very old men have fought bulls), and what do you have---you have a bull who is not voluntarily there being terrorized, gored and stabbed to death hidden under the guise of "tradition"!   May I remind the Parliament that not all traditions are good --- in the United States slavery and witch burning were traditions! 

Informed and decent people are happy to visit the region of Catalonia, as they have decidedly moved out of the dark ages and ridded their region of the cruel bullfight.

The bullfight is not tradition, it is not a sport, it is not an art form -- it is legal cruelty to animals!  Please stop funding something as atrocious as the bullfight! 

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