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Stop Desertification and feed people

Stop Desertification and feed people

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This petition has been created by Outi A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Outi A.
started this petition to
Ministers of agriculture and all the farmers of the world

There is increasing urgency to change agriculture into a regenerative , top soil creating and preserving practice that will help stop and even reverse desertification, drasticly lessen the need of fossil fuels and fight catastrophies caused by hunger , drought and flooding. To do this with free range livestock will also feed people.

There are several videos at YouTube with Allan Savory explaining this , please watch if you can.


We need to put pressure to our politicians and aid organisations to speed up the process that Allan Savory and other creative people already started.
To optimize the methods there is need to support practical research ; learning by doing

We all can learn about Holistic land management, permacultures, moringa trees, city gardening and cover crops to be able to do our share in making this planet a better place to live on.

Even if we are not farmers, this knowledge will help us make wiser consumer and political choices

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