Stop Luke Dowdle getting Paroled early
Hellan M.
started this petition to
He slashed my throat, stabbed me over 70times and set his sweetheart of 18yrs alight,tried to throw her off three story balcony and broke his mothers arm and robbed her,she nearly died if pneumonia. He should do his full sentence and be put in a secure unit. A psychopath he is. Only got a year for his setting alight his childhood sweetheart. Cos had cancer. But survived and lied to Macmillan nurses to get money, he shouldn't get out. Should be 13,,Years. And parole dates after 5,&half years
He will hurt or kill again. Hes a paranoid psycopath who hates women cos he hates his mother. His son age 15. A very sweet boy.hung himself as a result of his dad LUKE DOWDLE! !I suffer PTSD
Scared for life.
So is his sweetheart of 18yrs. His mother's not well at all. Support me and the other two women by signing petition. Thanks
He will hurt or kill again. Hes a paranoid psycopath who hates women cos he hates his mother. His son age 15. A very sweet boy.hung himself as a result of his dad LUKE DOWDLE! !I suffer PTSD
Scared for life.
So is his sweetheart of 18yrs. His mother's not well at all. Support me and the other two women by signing petition. Thanks
(Updated )
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