Zimbabwe President: Declare water crisis a national disaster.
Shepherd C.
started this petition to
Zimbabwe President
Zimbabwe's water crisis has robbed millions of residents of human dignity and put thousands of households at risk of Typhoid and Diarrhea.The spectre of another deadly Cholera outbreak looms.Against the backdrop of rolling power outages,the water woes continue to exacerbate poverty as productivity and development in affected communities is adversely impacted.
The human right to water and sanitation entitles everyone to safe,sufficient,accessible and affordable water;a right government has an obligation to protect.
Over two million Harare residents,for example,go for weeks without water to drink or bath and almost eighty-percent of the water sporadically pumped to tax paying residents is contaminated.This deplorable service delivery status is mirrored across almost all cities and towns in Zimbabwe.We the undersigned demand government urgently declare the water crisis a national disaster and without delay fund a three dimensional water infrastructure rehabilitation and development that arrests the unfolding tragedy and ensures the people of Zimbabwe's basic human right to water and sanitation is fully protected.
The human right to water and sanitation entitles everyone to safe,sufficient,accessible and affordable water;a right government has an obligation to protect.
Over two million Harare residents,for example,go for weeks without water to drink or bath and almost eighty-percent of the water sporadically pumped to tax paying residents is contaminated.This deplorable service delivery status is mirrored across almost all cities and towns in Zimbabwe.We the undersigned demand government urgently declare the water crisis a national disaster and without delay fund a three dimensional water infrastructure rehabilitation and development that arrests the unfolding tragedy and ensures the people of Zimbabwe's basic human right to water and sanitation is fully protected.
(Updated )
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