
Oppose SB1143 and HB2683 For Chilling and Criminalizing Free Speech In Arizona
Imraan S.
started this petition to
Arizona State Senate
Oppose SB1143 and HB2683 For Chilling and Criminalizing Free Speech In Arizona
Could saying “Israel is a racist country” lead to you being charged with a hate crime? Maybe, if mirror bills SB1143 and HB2683 are passed into law. This proposed legislation is a continuation of an organized effort to push bills across the country that attempt to silence speech critical of Israel and deter the support of Palestinian human rights. SB1143 and HB 2683 violate the First Amendment and we must act now.
By introducing an overly broad definition of anti-Semitism into our state legal code, SB1143 and HB2683 make two alarming changes to Arizona law:
(1) Anti-Semitism will be defined, separate from all other bias-based motives, with an overly broad and yet vague definition that will chill First Amendment expression.
(2) This overly broad definition encompassing protected First Amendment speech will apply to other areas of Arizona law, such as the Criminal Code, where statements critical of Israel may be used to increase sentencing and therefore directly criminalize protected speech.
SB1143 and HB2683 would incorporate the definition of anti-Semitism that was adopted by the IHRA on May 26, 2016, “including the contemporary examples of anti-Semitism identified in the adopted definition,” into Arizona law. Under this definition, the examples of anti-Semitism that would be added to Arizona law include “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “applying a double standard” to Israel, and “blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions.” This definition was never created nor intended to be codified into law - Kenneth Stern, the lead author of the original IHRA definition has even explicitly opposed application of the definition into United States law.
The First Amendment squarely protects political speech, including criticism of any government.
Yet, these bills would amend Arizona law to incorporate a definition of anti-Semitism that is so overbroad and vague that statements critical of Israel could be used as evidence of, and reported as, a hate crime. If passed, Arizona law would require that criticism of Israel be considered an aggravating factor for sentencing in criminal convictions. Persons who protest the Israeli government could find themselves facing a bias crime prosecution solely because of their political speech.
Let us be clear: We denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms.
In addition to potentially burdening protected speech, SB1143 and HB2683 are unnecessary. Bias crime reporting procedures for hate crimes directed at Jewish persons are already in place at the state and federal level. States across the country utilize a uniform system that allows law enforcement to accurately and quickly report bias crime information as it relates to all persons, including Jewish persons and other religious minorities. Requiring government agencies to incorporate criticism of Israel into the definition of anti-Jewish crime may lead to inaccurate and misleading bias crime reporting and will not meaningfully help to combat anti-Semitism.
Hate has no place in the state of Arizona or anywhere in the United States. All bias-based attacks, including anti-Semitism, are appalling, destructive to both individuals and communities, and we stand against these horrific acts. We welcome meaningful steps to combat hate crimes and bias-based incidents and invite legislation that is a product of a collective effort from a broad range of stakeholders. Unfortunately, SB1143 and HB2683 do none of the above.
As we have seen from the nationwide uptick in anti-Palestinian speech laws across the United States, SB1143 and HB2683 attempt to continue this trend of criminalizing pro-Palestine free speech.
We all must stand united to ensure the free speech rights of all people are protected in the United States. The passage of these laws will open the door to criminalizing the activism of those who choose to stand up for Palestinian rights and voice their opposition to Israel's occupation. No nation state should be above reproach, and it is dangerous to conflate the criticism of a nation state engaged in repressive activities with any sort of form of hate.
Please sign and share this petition to ensure that the lawmakers of the state of Arizona vote “No” on SB1143 and HB2683. Together, we can ensure that our constitutional right to free speech and our right to criticize any government is protected.
Could saying “Israel is a racist country” lead to you being charged with a hate crime? Maybe, if mirror bills SB1143 and HB2683 are passed into law. This proposed legislation is a continuation of an organized effort to push bills across the country that attempt to silence speech critical of Israel and deter the support of Palestinian human rights. SB1143 and HB 2683 violate the First Amendment and we must act now.
By introducing an overly broad definition of anti-Semitism into our state legal code, SB1143 and HB2683 make two alarming changes to Arizona law:
(1) Anti-Semitism will be defined, separate from all other bias-based motives, with an overly broad and yet vague definition that will chill First Amendment expression.
(2) This overly broad definition encompassing protected First Amendment speech will apply to other areas of Arizona law, such as the Criminal Code, where statements critical of Israel may be used to increase sentencing and therefore directly criminalize protected speech.
SB1143 and HB2683 would incorporate the definition of anti-Semitism that was adopted by the IHRA on May 26, 2016, “including the contemporary examples of anti-Semitism identified in the adopted definition,” into Arizona law. Under this definition, the examples of anti-Semitism that would be added to Arizona law include “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “applying a double standard” to Israel, and “blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions.” This definition was never created nor intended to be codified into law - Kenneth Stern, the lead author of the original IHRA definition has even explicitly opposed application of the definition into United States law.
The First Amendment squarely protects political speech, including criticism of any government.
Yet, these bills would amend Arizona law to incorporate a definition of anti-Semitism that is so overbroad and vague that statements critical of Israel could be used as evidence of, and reported as, a hate crime. If passed, Arizona law would require that criticism of Israel be considered an aggravating factor for sentencing in criminal convictions. Persons who protest the Israeli government could find themselves facing a bias crime prosecution solely because of their political speech.
Let us be clear: We denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms.
In addition to potentially burdening protected speech, SB1143 and HB2683 are unnecessary. Bias crime reporting procedures for hate crimes directed at Jewish persons are already in place at the state and federal level. States across the country utilize a uniform system that allows law enforcement to accurately and quickly report bias crime information as it relates to all persons, including Jewish persons and other religious minorities. Requiring government agencies to incorporate criticism of Israel into the definition of anti-Jewish crime may lead to inaccurate and misleading bias crime reporting and will not meaningfully help to combat anti-Semitism.
Hate has no place in the state of Arizona or anywhere in the United States. All bias-based attacks, including anti-Semitism, are appalling, destructive to both individuals and communities, and we stand against these horrific acts. We welcome meaningful steps to combat hate crimes and bias-based incidents and invite legislation that is a product of a collective effort from a broad range of stakeholders. Unfortunately, SB1143 and HB2683 do none of the above.
As we have seen from the nationwide uptick in anti-Palestinian speech laws across the United States, SB1143 and HB2683 attempt to continue this trend of criminalizing pro-Palestine free speech.
We all must stand united to ensure the free speech rights of all people are protected in the United States. The passage of these laws will open the door to criminalizing the activism of those who choose to stand up for Palestinian rights and voice their opposition to Israel's occupation. No nation state should be above reproach, and it is dangerous to conflate the criticism of a nation state engaged in repressive activities with any sort of form of hate.
Please sign and share this petition to ensure that the lawmakers of the state of Arizona vote “No” on SB1143 and HB2683. Together, we can ensure that our constitutional right to free speech and our right to criticize any government is protected.
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