
End Yulin Dog Meat 'Festival'
NoToDogMeat F.
started this petition to
Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture China
Eleven years after the Yulin Dog Meat Festival began it is time to end it forever. Over 100,000 dogs brutally slaughtered by butchers.This is not culture. It is cruelty. Change is needed. If not, now then when?
The Yulin Dog Meat and Lychee festival started in 2009 as a way to boost the economy in Yulin China. Public outrage, including from our charity led to the City withdrawing official support in 2014. The horror fest continued with unscrupulous butchers and traders making money from rescuers and revelling in the attention of the media. This year it will be different. International Media can not fly there easily and nor international rescue groups. The world now knows that dangerous diseases can jump from animals to humans and that a pandemic from such disease started in China.
The Chinese authorities previously took the view that the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival doesn't officially exist because the Government has never recognised dog meat. Well, they have now. They have banned eating dogs and cats in two major cities in the next Province to Yulin, including Shenzhen. Just a few days ago they banned eating all wildlife.
The Ministry of Agriculture has recognised that public slaughter without disease control can cause a pandemic. They advocate the public wearing masks at all times and maintaining social distancing. It is time to recognise for the sake of the animals, and the sake Chinese people's physical and mental health that this ' torture fest ' has to end.
Please join our campaign to say
#NoToDogMeat #EndYulin2020
The Yulin Dog Meat and Lychee festival started in 2009 as a way to boost the economy in Yulin China. Public outrage, including from our charity led to the City withdrawing official support in 2014. The horror fest continued with unscrupulous butchers and traders making money from rescuers and revelling in the attention of the media. This year it will be different. International Media can not fly there easily and nor international rescue groups. The world now knows that dangerous diseases can jump from animals to humans and that a pandemic from such disease started in China.
The Chinese authorities previously took the view that the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival doesn't officially exist because the Government has never recognised dog meat. Well, they have now. They have banned eating dogs and cats in two major cities in the next Province to Yulin, including Shenzhen. Just a few days ago they banned eating all wildlife.
The Ministry of Agriculture has recognised that public slaughter without disease control can cause a pandemic. They advocate the public wearing masks at all times and maintaining social distancing. It is time to recognise for the sake of the animals, and the sake Chinese people's physical and mental health that this ' torture fest ' has to end.
Please join our campaign to say
#NoToDogMeat #EndYulin2020
(Updated )
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