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NZ: Suspend rent and mortgage payments

NZ: Suspend rent and mortgage payments

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This petition has been created by Antonia S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Antonia S.
started this petition to
New Zealand Government
It's now clear that coronavirus could shut down our economy for months, and this is going to have devastating effects on workers and small businesses. Many of us just can't afford to pay rent or our mortgage without any income coming in!

So let's ask our government to act in a similar way to Italy, and suspend all rent and mortgage payments while this crisis lasts .

Decisions are being made right now about our government's response, involving huge amounts of our tax money. If we all sign and share, we can build a massive call to make sure they know we want them to make suspending rent and  mortgage  payments a priority .

Let’s urgently call on the government to back this plan as part of its support package, and help people stay home to stay safe -- starting with the most vulnerable and those most at risk of losing their jobs and incomes.

Posted (Updated )