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Don't mine the Grand Canyon

To President Obama and Secretary of the Interior Jewell:

The Grand Canyon is one of the wonders of the world, not a tailing pond for toxic mine waste. Please protect the Grand Canyon from uranium mining forever by designating the Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument as America’s next national monument.

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Don't mine the Grand Canyon
It's hard to believe this is actually a real thing: lawmakers are pushing to mine radioactive uranium right next to the Grand Canyon!

Powerful mining interests are working to undo a moratorium won by Native American and conservation groups against exactly this type of destruction.

President Obama could make the moratorium permanent with the stroke of a pen. So far local voices haven't been able to drown out the mining industry. If we show that the Grand Canyon is a precious symbol around the world, we can help protect this world heritage site from being poisoned.

Let's stand with local tribes -- sign the petition asking President Obama to create the Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument and stop uranium mines from threatening this priceless gem!

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