End ivory for good
We’re wiping them out. Just to trade in stupid trinkets!
The only way to save them is a global ban on ivory, and finally it's within reach. But Europe is refusing to phase out it's antique ivory market. It claims there's not enough evidence it's driving the demise of elephants, but everyone knows this trade is covering up smuggled ivory from recently slaughtered elephants.
So we've found a way to prove it :-)
We’re teaming up with a top wildlife investigator to source 'antiques' across Europe, and a first class university to radiocarbon test them! These incredible tests can tell the age and origin of ivory.
But it isn’t cheap. Avaaz may be the only crowdsourced funding model in the world able to raise enough, fast enough to get the biggest, grassroots-supported, scientific study ready to lobby the EU before the next major ivory meeting.
If 40,000 of us donate today, we are ready to move. Chip in what you can - let's ensure this is not the elephants’ last decade.