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Honouring Meredith Alexander

Honouring Meredith Alexander
On 7 Jan, 2018 the world lost a social justice warrior. Meredith Alexander was a treasure -- she was brilliant, warm, kind and courageous. She lived out her beliefs at every moment, in every action, and she pushed us when we needed it most. She made those lucky enough to know her better, and left the world giving the gift of life and hope to several families through organ donation.

Meredith’s love of people and ability to empathize with others made her an exceptional campaigner. She cared about the least fortunate on our planet and saw it as her mission to be a megaphone for their voices. But she was also deeply strategic. Whether fighting for climate justice, against political corruption, for women’s rights or against media barons, Meredith brought a unique mixture of passion and smarts to the world, which we are now all called on to emulate in her absence.

To say she is deeply missed by those who love her does not do justice to the loss felt by her husband, Paul, her parents, Myrt and Larry, her family and friends and the Avaaz team, who knew her as both a sister and a colleague. But in her honour we can stand in her place, fighting for the world Meredith believed in at her core. Your contributions will help create a fund at Avaaz, providing a yearly grant to at least one inspiring individual. These social warriors will help carry Meredith's legacy, focusing on furthering the causes that meant most to her for many years in the future.

Thank you for celebrating her incredible legacy by sustaining the mission she dedicated her life to. We will make her proud.