Appoint a babysitter for Big Brother and protect our privacy
To the Human Rights Council:
As global citizens concerned with protection for our right to privacy, we urge you to take international action on the matter through the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy. Relying on individual states to take action provides insufficient protection; your action is needed to ensure our rights are respected.
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Germany and Brazil are pushing to appoint an independent expert on the right to privacy to investigate the activities of governments-- and report the results publicly. Governments go to great lengths to avoid being investigated by these experts, and they've successfully shifted debate in other fields, including torture -- it's just what we need to ensure our right to privacy is enforced and respected.
Our governments have spied on us with impunity, passing secretive laws and storing our personal communications; it's time to turn the tables and give our Big Brother states a babysitter. So click now and back the supporters with a million-strong international call delivered straight into the meeting room.
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