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Minister Bishop: Stand Strong on 0 Carbon


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Minister Bishop: Stand Strong on 0 Carbon

Breaking news! The world is about to sign up to a 100% clean energy future! But the goal to completely cut carbon is at risk at the Lima climate talks. Climate Ministers from 195 countries are arriving at the global summit in Peru. Let's show them this commitment is non negotiable. Use the form on the right to send a message now!

Here are some tips of what to say, but remember the more personal the better:
  • Our country has just been rated the worst-performing industrial country in the world on climate change. Our ‘direct action’ policy is an international embarrassment.
  • Today's climate fund announcement is a shameful re-arranging of already committed foreign aid money - Australia needs to make new commitments to help vulnerable communities.
  • I urge you to defend the text which calls for full decarbonisation by 2050 and the urgent transition to 100% renewable energy. This switch is crucial to save humanity and totally possible.
  • Our future is in your hands. I call on you to boldly lead an ambitious climate deal in Lima.

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