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Pakistan: End the right to kill women

To Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain and all Pakistani Parliamentarians:

We urge you to immediately pass the Anti-Honor Killings Laws (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill 2014 in the Parliament or a similar bill that closes the forgiveness loophole for honour killings, and to make sure all perpetrators of honour killings are brought to justice. We also urge the government to launch a major education campaign to spread awareness about the consequences of committing such brutal crimes against women including by setting up infrastructure that enables women to seek protection.

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Pakistan: End the right to kill women
After Saba married the man she loved, her own father shot her in the head, stuffed her in a bag and dumped her in a river. And then he walked free. But, incredibly, Saba survived and telling her horrific story has created the first ray of hope that could stop "honour" killings in Pakistan. But she needs our help.

Saba’s story is now an Oscar-nominated documentary and because of the global spotlight the Pakistani PM has committed to end "honour" killings for the first time. His political-heir and powerful daughter Maryam is drafting the law right now. But allies fear that once the Oscar buzz ends this week there won't be enough public pressure to pass an ambitious bill that can close the key loophole that gives men the right to murder women.

Let’s build a 1 million strong global call to ensure the spotlight doesn't fade on women in Pakistan. If enough of us join, we will deliver our voices directly to Maryam –- she’s already championed girl’s education, let’s help her become the champion for women her country needs. Join now.

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