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This petition has been created by Iain H. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Iain H.
started this petition to
As well as trying to sanitize a defunct political system and drawing energy away from real, effective action, and diverting it into persuading people they can change the world by clicking a link on their computer screen instead of getting out and doing something and offering active solutions; AVAAZ have recently - and with no hint of irony - tried to control people's protest, and to silence and shun
Movimiento Jaguar Despierto at the Paris Climate Protests, because their message was too radical for AVAAZ, who wanted to pretend that a bunch of rich Europeans waving flowers can change the world and save the poor.

This is a petition to tell AVAAZ that they have no place in a real, active democracy, and that they cannot speak for, and control, the Earth's poor and vulnerable.
"The Wretched of the Earth" have a voice, and they will not be silenced so you can sanitize European imperialism.

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