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AVAAZ : Stop Supporting the BDS

AVAAZ : Stop Supporting the BDS

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Dan I. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Dan I.
started this petition to

BDS is an anti-semitic hateful movement calling for the desctruction of the State of Israel. AVAAZ has joined the campaign and endorsed it.

Not only does it provide a platform for the hateful campaign, it also goes through un-precedented steps to promote it sharing op-eds supporting BDS with AVAAZ members!

It is sickening for such a great organization to be used in such a horrible and hateful way.


Stop standing with Hamas Terrorism and start standing with Israeli democracy. Stop standing with Palestinian Hatred and start standing with Historical Justice. Stop standing with Anti-Israel Lies and start standing with HOPE.

Remove your support from the Boycott movement and start supporting the only democracy in the middle east, fighting for its right to exist and for the survival of liberal values in this chaotic area of the world!

ALL Western Major Democracies Agree - The BDS is wrong. Those who stand with it stand against Western Values.

"As once Jewish businesses were boycotted, some civil-society leaders today call for a boycott of Israel.... It is nothing short of sickening. But this is the face of the new anti-Semitism."Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

And to those who do not share my ambition who want to boycott Israel I have a clear message. Britain opposes boycotts. Delegitimising the State of Israel is wrong.It’s abhorrent." United Kingdom's Prime Minister David Cameron

"We do not support the demands for a boycott, This is not an option for Germany." Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel

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