
Production of Self-sustaining Home Power and Heat Generating Devices Now!
Bahram M.
started this petition to
United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and Brazil
Humanity has reached a vital fork in the path for survival. Based on our own observations of severity of our seasonal weather patterns and climatic disasters, plus according to many viable scientific research, if we, the people, do not change our destructive ways drastically, by the year 2015, humanity will pass the point of no return, on the path to self-annihilation.
I don’t know if you are aware of the existence of many other forms of ready to use alternative means and sources of absolutely clean and never ending energy, however to find one you do not have to go far.
The emerging New Energy technologies broadly named: Free, or New Energy is the means of utilizing the abundance of non-polluting, green and sustainable energy sources, freely available to all of humanity. What sets New Energy technologies advanced designs apart from all others is their superior ability to access the primordial forces of the universe.
The performance methods of these nontoxic electricity producing devices forces humanity to learn and see the infinite space all around us as the true repository of never-ending and infinite source of clean energy.
The Free, or New Energy means of power production embodies a range of technologies, where each one of them clearly illustrates the evidence of humanity’s evolutionary leap in grasping Mother Nature’s infinite wisdom.
Try to imagine clean, safe, abundant and inexpensive energy for all of humanity. Stable climate, clean healthy air and water, low-cost plentiful healthy organic foods, beautiful blue skies overhead, free from toxic Geo-engineering and Chemtrails aerosols sprayed in the sky over cities and public.
Try to imagine delightful forests and landscapes unspoiled by the cancer causing electrical transmission wires and coal-burning smokestacks, rivers running free, clean and wild, thriving sustainable cooperative local economies and complete recycling of all wastes, thereby unleashing human potential and creativity, allowing humanity to live in the new and lasting era of cooperation, compassion, collaboration and world peace!
For more information please visit the Venus Project Foundation website and click on the - New Energy - tab on top of the page: http://www.venusproject.org/
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