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An end to Canada's commercial seal hunt

An end to Canada's commercial seal hunt

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This petition has been created by Dianne P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Dianne P.
started this petition to
The Canadian Government
I passionately want there to be an end to the commercial seal hunt in Canada. It is beyond belief that in the 21st century such cruelty is allowed to continue, and with no justification. This year, the Canadian Government has granted a quota of 400, 000 baby seals, which will be clubbed or shot to death. Adding insult to injury, apparently the global demand for seal skins has dropped dramatically, as nations, notably Russian, respond to the call for an end to this barbarism and responsible and humane treatment of wildlife.Most of the seals skins currently being taken will therefore be 'stockpiled', and never sold.

Anyone with a shred of decency or compassion would deplore this sickening activity. The Canadian Government is demonstrating flagrant disregard both for global opinion and for the welfare of its wildlife. Seal populations are already under threat because of melting sea ice, and need protection more than ever. Can we please put pressure on Canada's government to revoke its support of the kill, once and for all?

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