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Stop Australian Govt support for Monsanto

Stop Australian Govt support for Monsanto

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Philip H.
started this petition to
The Premier and members of the Western Australian Government
The Government of Western Australia have sold a 25% share in the research and development of grain production to Monsanto, against the wishes of the farmers who grow it. And this week have announced they are open to a further sale to Monsanto.
This must be of concern at an international level. Not only because it is another sad example of ignorant support for an abhorent practice by financially motivated corporations but also because WA grain is exported internationally and probably is a component in many foods eaten around the world.
Are you aware ? Seeds from GM crops are copyright so can not be used fior the next cycle sowing. They also require special fertilisers. This may be of financial advantage to the providers of the first seed and their shareholders but has devestating economic and health results on the wider community. There is evidence that in India the impost of having to buy new seed and fertiliser has resulted a stress in rural life that is currently manifesting in the suicide of a farmer every ten days. (Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=161irovEOpQ ). And in BALI the GM rice production has devastated family cultural, spiritual and social life. The need to buy seed and fertiliser for every crop has forvrced then to raise their production from 3 to 4 crops a year. The ancient family use of geese by children has disappeared, as has the social life between crops. Wives and children are now sent into towns like Ubud to beg for food.
The process of eating by humans is to replenish our life force. There in growing evidence that the consumption of GM food is detrimental to biological health with the possibility of deformities in human bodies.
In concern for your own individual wellbeing, and on behalf of the uncertain future now facing WA farmers I ask you to sign this petition.
Additionally, if you live IN Australia then please pass a copy of this personally to your electetd reperesentative in Goverment.
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