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Why #Avaaz should accept #Bitcoin donations

Why #Avaaz should accept #Bitcoin donations

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This petition has been created by Adrian S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Adrian S.
started this petition to
Bitcoin and crypto currencies are the only neutral transparently auditable currencies, transaction fees are lower so more funds go directly to the causes you donate to. In fact votes should be added to the blockchain providing an indelible record that those to whom it it is presented cannot ignore.

Bitcoin is the most effective way of gaining back power to the people and stopping oppressive governments or subversive corporate interests. See: - Bitcoin vs. Political Power: The Cryptocurrency Revolution - Stefan Molyneux at TNW Conference


"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell.

The Blockchain will record history going forward and in so doing it will free society from its "chains". Viva the blockchain Viva! From the ashes rises the Phoenix.

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