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BC's Forest Land Natural Resources MinisterThomson: Stop BC's War on Wolves

BC's Forest Land Natural Resources MinisterThomson: Stop BC's War on Wolves

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This petition has been created by Huguette A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Huguette A.
started this petition to
BC's Forest Land Natural Resources MinisterThomson


BC's newly released (April 17, 2014) "Wolf Management Plan" presents a barbaric and grim future for wolves that amounts to a government sponsored kill program. Lactating females and their pups can be killed with no limits and no reporting in more than 1/2 the province and does not meet international standards for humane trapping according to the BC Trappers Association.

Wolves need your voice now. They are being killed at an unprecedented rate for "recreation" and targeted as scapegoats for caribou decline. They are killed by hired trappers, by government members, captured and sterilized, all as part of a failed experiment.

WE NEED WOLVES: The restoration of wolves in Yellowstone National Park is proof that wolves benefit ecosystems - SEE how they maintain biodiversity and balance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW to help stop this cruel and needless killing.

JOIN US in asking the BC government to:

1. stop helicopter killing and sterilization of wolves immediately

2. amend trapping and hunting regulations to ban leg hold traps, snares and the use of bait immediately .

3. set aside large tracts of wildlife habitat where large carnivores are protected from human persecution and resource extraction so that wolves can develop natural packs and behaviour and fulfill their ecological role as a keystone species in BC

4. promote responsible husbandry practices, provide education and incentives for prevention of livestock losses, and use reliable numbers when describing the impacts wolves have on the livestock industry

See more major concerns about BC's wolf management plan and actions we can take to stop this war on wolves:



and read what the media has to say:



Posted (Updated )