
Save the Wild Orangutan! Boycott Palm Oil, Use Sustainable Palm Oil
Jill W.
started this petition to
Everyone, the consumer
Orangutan habitat is being cut down at an alarming rate. See WWF for details (see below) Plantation owner are cutting down forests to plant palm, for palm oil, making a second profit by selling the trees. By planting palm on wasteland, sustainable palm can be grown.
Orangutans live in areas that are favoured for establishing oil palm plantations: fertile lowland soils close to rivers.
The orangutans’ forest home is being converted into oil palm plantations at a massive scale. This conversion is being driven by growing global demand for palm oil, which is pushing up prices and hence encouraging the development of more plantations.
Orangutans live in areas that are favoured for establishing oil palm plantations: fertile lowland soils close to rivers.
The orangutans’ forest home is being converted into oil palm plantations at a massive scale. This conversion is being driven by growing global demand for palm oil, which is pushing up prices and hence encouraging the development of more plantations.
as described in detail at the Coilchester Zoo:
Palm oil is not a healthy substitute for trans fat.
(Updated )
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