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Cardiff City Football Club: Cancel your game against Israeli club Ironi Kiryat Shmona on 21 July

Cardiff City Football Club: Cancel your game against Israeli club Ironi Kiryat Shmona on 21 July

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This petition has been created by Geoffrey L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Geoffrey L.
started this petition to
Cardiff City Football Club

Israel uses football to present itself as a normal European state, so concealing the appalling and widespread racism against Palestinians in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Israel's discrimination against Palestinians shows contempt for international law and the human rights of Palestinians. It is implemented through more than 50 racist laws and leads to severe restrictions on housing, education, health services, and movements. The latter is particularly severe for footballers who may not be able to travel to international games and who find that even domestic away-games can take two days ecause of road blocks.

The brutal Israeli actions against Palestinians in Gaza during and after the massacre a year ago only serves to emphasise the need for change.

It was remarkably insensitive of the Cardiff City FC to agree to this game. It makes a statement of support for Israel's racism while at the same time shows contempt for Palestinian suffering. One way to ease discrimination against Palestinians is to pressure the Israeli government through sporting boycott. See www.rcir.org.uk

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