
Citizens: Unite Against Microcell Transmitters
J. S.
started this petition to
Citizens, Telus
We demand that Telus be required to report, with full disclosure, to all affected residents
to installation of Microcell transmitters on telephone poles in residential neighbourhoods.
We declare t hese microcells a violation of Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees life, liberty and security of the person.
We demand the right to have existing microcells removed should residents be united against having microcell transmitters on their streets.
Cell phone towers could be installed on your street, even by your bedroom windows!
Telus is installing a blanket network of microcell transmitters on residential utility poles in neighbourhoods across BC and Alberta. These transmitters release the same frequencies as cell towers, and thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies show the EMF (electro‐magnetic radiation) they emit could have a major impact on your family’s health, on trees, pollinators, and even migratory birds.
Why haven't you heard about this?
Due to loopholes in Industry Canada’s regulatory process, Telus does not have to inform residents that these microcells are now coming to neighbourhoods everywhere. Some places are seeing microcell transmitters installed on every second telephone pole in their neighbourhood.
What can we do about it?
Telus is moving fast. We need to let them know now that we care about our health, our environment, and our right to choose what we are exposed to in our own homes.
To learn more about the harmful effects of EMF (electro‐magnetic radiation) Go to Canadians for Safe Technology ‐ http://c4st.org
photo credit: Black Press
We declare t hese microcells a violation of Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees life, liberty and security of the person.
We demand the right to have existing microcells removed should residents be united against having microcell transmitters on their streets.
Cell phone towers could be installed on your street, even by your bedroom windows!
Telus is installing a blanket network of microcell transmitters on residential utility poles in neighbourhoods across BC and Alberta. These transmitters release the same frequencies as cell towers, and thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies show the EMF (electro‐magnetic radiation) they emit could have a major impact on your family’s health, on trees, pollinators, and even migratory birds.
Why haven't you heard about this?
Due to loopholes in Industry Canada’s regulatory process, Telus does not have to inform residents that these microcells are now coming to neighbourhoods everywhere. Some places are seeing microcell transmitters installed on every second telephone pole in their neighbourhood.
What can we do about it?
Telus is moving fast. We need to let them know now that we care about our health, our environment, and our right to choose what we are exposed to in our own homes.
To learn more about the harmful effects of EMF (electro‐magnetic radiation) Go to Canadians for Safe Technology ‐ http://c4st.org
photo credit: Black Press
(Updated )
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