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City of Calgary, Mayor Nenshi: Please Keep Paskapoo Slopes Wild!

City of Calgary, Mayor Nenshi: Please Keep Paskapoo Slopes Wild!

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Kenneth B.
started this petition to
City of Calgary Mayor Nenshi
The Paskapoo Slopes area is an instantly recognizable and unique area of Calgary. If offers so much more to our City than any development could hope to offer. Developments come and go but once a natural area is gone, it is gone forever. As our city continues to grow, so does the need for natural environments. Natural areas contribute to the health and well being of both young and old and to a city's character. We owe it to not only current generations but to generations to come to preserve such areas as the Paskapoo Slopes!
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our City of Calgary Councillors to act now to explore all possible means of acquiring this key environmental parcel of land to be preserved as a Regional Park. We also urge City Council to reject the proposed Trinity Hills development plan if it comes to Council for a decision, as having an inappropriate density, intensity and development footprint for the context of the area.
For more information and to learn how else you can help save another awesome area of Calgary, visit http://savetheslopes.org.

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