
ACHIEVED! Costco CEO: W. Craig Jelinek: Stop Selling FAROE ISLAND SALMON!!!
Melody L.
started this petition to
Costco CEO: W. Craig Jelinek
GOAL ACHIEVED as Costco stop using Faroe produced Salmon! Thank you ALL.
Once again, the world was outraged by the slaughter of 250 Pilot Whales by the inhabitants of the Faroe Islands, in July 2015.
Over the past three centuries, the Faroe's have taken an average of 838 pilot whales and 75 dolphins each year, as reported in a 2012 study. It has been documented that they have also slaughtered a killer whale. ( Photo evidence of this is widely available )
The Islander's have often defended this barbaric practice, as a source of much needed food for the inhabitants. With information via websites and the internet, they can no longer hide behind this argument, as according to their own 'Visit the Faroe Islands' page they boast 'The Faroese economy has for the last decades worked towards developing a more diversified and competitive business community. This is well on its way to succeed, when it comes to aquaculture as the Faroe Islands are developing into one of the world's large salmon producing countries.' - So not quite the impoverished, isolated, starving people, they have tried to portray themselves as then?
The Islander's are now saying that this barbaric 'family event' of hacking Pilot whales, dolphins and orca's to death with knives and hooks is a tradition which they intend to continue.
We the undersigned, are disgusted that Costco is sourcing their salmon from The Faroe Islands and will boycott all Costco products until they cease to support The Faroe Islands and their horrific slaughter of dolphins and Pilot whales.
We will not pay towards a community who continues this disgraceful GRIND and hope that Costco will re think its affiliation.
(Updated )
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