
Big business vs. the bee-killing ban
Bert W.
started this petition to
Lord de Mauley, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Bee-killing pesticides are banned in Europe, but a giant chemical company has just asked the UK government for
emergency permission to treat seeds for nearly two hundred thousand hectares of land with powerful insecticides
covered by the ban.
Syngenta want farmers to use neonicotinoid pesticides on the UK's rape crop, despite an EU-wide ban introduced after research showed they were partly responsible for the collapse in bee populations. So they've asked DEFRA, the UK environment ministry to approve 'emergency use', creating a loophole that spells disaster for plans to protect our bees . Time is tight -- the decision could be made within days. Let's call on DEFRA to reject the application and protect Britain's bees.
Syngenta's application comes just a day after an international scientific review found 'clear evidence of harm' caused by neonicontoids to bees, confirming the findings of previous studies. But we can stop Syngenta's bee-killing business model getting back into Britain. Sign here to say no to Syngenta, spread the word, and help save our bees.
Syngenta want farmers to use neonicotinoid pesticides on the UK's rape crop, despite an EU-wide ban introduced after research showed they were partly responsible for the collapse in bee populations. So they've asked DEFRA, the UK environment ministry to approve 'emergency use', creating a loophole that spells disaster for plans to protect our bees . Time is tight -- the decision could be made within days. Let's call on DEFRA to reject the application and protect Britain's bees.
Syngenta's application comes just a day after an international scientific review found 'clear evidence of harm' caused by neonicontoids to bees, confirming the findings of previous studies. But we can stop Syngenta's bee-killing business model getting back into Britain. Sign here to say no to Syngenta, spread the word, and help save our bees.
(Updated )
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