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David Cameron: Go to the Climate Summit and show leadership

David Cameron: Go to the Climate Summit and show leadership

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Tara W.
started this petition to
David Cameron

My name is Tara. I'm a 21 year old undergraduate student, a care-worker and a youth climate campaigner. I’m new to climate campaigning. A few months ago I realised that if I want to have a decent future, I need to play my part. I don’t want to have to tell my children that I had the chance to act, but I was too lazy. I’m sure you, Mr Cameron, don’t want to have to admit that to your children either.

Climate change is the greatest challenge we face. When I volunteer with youth from all around the world, it is embarrassing to come from a developed country that should be taking the lead, and yet to have a leader who does not appear to take this issue seriously. Across the UK, ordinary people are making great efforts to tackle climate change: community energy projects, eco schools and city workers riding their bikes are all doing their part. Mr Cameron, your people are putting you to shame. Why is my future and the future of all those under 30 (more than half the world!), such a low priority to you?

According to current predictions I will live until the year 2076. If we do not act now, by then the temperature will be around 4 degrees higher than it is today.The UK will suffer from frequent flooding, and be at increased risk of drought and violent winter storms. Across the world, millions of people will lose their homes and their livelihood to the rising sea. Changing weather patterns will lead to severe food shortages. The decisions you, Mr Cameron, make now will directly impact what kind of world I will grow old in.

Next year at the UN Climate Talks in Paris, all countries need to join together to tackle Climate Change. We must do everything in our power to create a 100% clean future for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Our country, together with the rest of the EU, will have to lead the way for a fair and ambitious global agreement.

Mr Cameron, you must go to the Climate Summit and lead. Youth will be watching!
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