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David P. Abney, CEO of UPS: Stop Transporting Hunter's Trophies!

David P. Abney, CEO of UPS: Stop Transporting Hunter's Trophies!

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started this petition to
David P. Abney, CEO of UPS
After the death of Cecil the Lion at the hands of Walter Palmer, nearly 20 airlines implemented a ban on the transport of hunting trophies, but some remain opposed to such a ban. UPS has strong policies that take wildlife protection into consideration ‐‐ like the inclusion of ivory and ivory products in the company's list of items prohibited for shipment ‐‐ but continues to ship the remains of Lions, Leopards and many other animals killed by trophy hunters.

US President Donald Trump recently announced that he was reversing the ban on hunters bringing their trophies back to the US. Due to the WORLDWIDE outcry over this he has put the plan on hold, BUT it is ONLY on hold.

Urge UPS to treat hunting trophies the same way the company treats ivory. Without the possibility of being able to transport their trophies back home there is no incentive for trophy hunters to kill endangered animals.
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