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Delegates and world leaders at the Climate Conference in Paris (COP21): Stop. Breathe. Give 1 minute to focus on a healthy, peaceful Earth.

Delegates and world leaders at the Climate Conference in Paris (COP21): Stop. Breathe. Give 1 minute to focus on a healthy, peaceful Earth.

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50 Supporters

Marie-Therese M.
started this petition to
Delegates and world leaders at the Climate Conference in Paris (COP21)
One Minute for Earth An Open Invitation

It is impossible to ignore that systemic violence represents a
pressing challenge to humanity. However, the Climate Crisis we presently face undeniably embodies the single greatest long term challenge confronting the world,creating in its wake uncertainty, fear, destabilization and desperation. We are
heading towards another great extinction and extreme alterations to life as we know it. We are at the 11th hour .

Notwithstanding the dramatic events of November 13th, our
world leaders and their delegates will determinedly assemble as scheduled in Paris, France on November 30th to decide on the future of our Earth. As a gesture of common purpose, all delegates and participants at the UNFCCC COP21 conference are invited to join in a dedicated minute of silence for Earth at the beginning of the plenary session in order to connect to the important and urgent reasons for the Climate talks, and to consciously align with the vision of the highest and most positive outcomes for these negotiations. The recent violent events underscore the importance of this gesture.

It is very likely that few public gatherings will be allowed for
the duration of the Climate Talks in Paris. Despite the fact that our advocates and other concerned citizens in Paris will have limited access to publicly pronounce our common concerns over this urgent issue, we have not lost the freedom to connect to the delegation and help direct its decisions and commitments.

You are more powerful than you think, and together we are more powerful than we can imagine. On November 30th at 10:00am , let's simultaneously unite for “One Minute for Earth” by closing our eyes, holding the vision of the healthy,
peaceful, equitable world
we want, while consciously breathing in and breathing out. Let’s remember that the Climate Talks in Paris are about the atmosphere: the air we
breathe thousands of times a day, and that joins us to each other and directly ties us to the fate of our planet.

Imagine the power - world leaders, delegates, NGOs, volunteers, activists, faith groups, and many others stopping in unison, closing their eyes, taking a breath, and for One Minute, consciously and together, envisioning the highest and most positive outcomes for the Climate negotiations. During this minute of united vision everyone is pulling in the same direction, giving energy and clearing the pathway to the world we want.

An ongoing global vigil will be taking place throughout the
duration of these crucial negotiations (Nov 30th to Dec 12th).
Regardless of time zone, everyone can participate in “One Minute for Earth” every day at 10:00am their time , which means that at every hour during every 24 hour cycle, someone or some group on this planet will be directing energy and intention towards the outcome we envision together – a healthy, peaceful, equitable Earth .

By joining in a worldwide conscious minute of thoughtfulness, you can make a change that could mean the world.

Visit, Like, and Share us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/1minute4earth/?pnref=story.
Follow us on Twitter @1Minute4Earth .

You are more powerful than you think.
Together we are more powerful than we can

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