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European Parliament, United Nations: Stop Israeli collective punishment perpetrated against the Palestinians

European Parliament, United Nations: Stop Israeli collective punishment perpetrated against the Palestinians

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This petition has been created by Barbara C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Barbara C.
started this petition to
European Parliament, United Nations
Since the evening of June 12th 2014, Israeli Occupation Forces carried out a large-scale campaign in the West Bank arresting Palestinian Former Ministers, Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (MPLC), University Lecturers, Students and Civilian Women and Children.

Between June 12th and June 22nd approximately 388 Palestinians have been arrested.
Amongst them are Children under 12 years old and Women.
Amongst the arrested Palestinians there are 55 former detainees who were released under the Shalit Swap Deal, reached under Egyptian mediation. 10 PLC deputies including the Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker, Dr Aziz Dweik and 5 Journalists were also arrested.

The arrest of the 55 liberated detainees of the Shalit Swap violates the agreement reached between Palestine and Israel signed on the October 11th 2011.
So far, Israeli forces have kidnapped 13 Palestinian MPs and 5 Former Ministers, bringing the number of Palestinian MPs held in Israeli jails to 24.

Note that most of the detainees above are held in “Administrative Detention” (according to which detainees are incarcerated without charge or trial).
During the so-called “Operation Brother’s Keeper”, Villages, Cities, Private Properties, Schools, Universities and Medical Centres have all been targeted by the Israeli army. Houses were ransacked, Universities were looted of their equipment; the engineering department of the Birzeit University was looted and the Al-Sadaqa Medical Society of Bethlehem was attacked. Both structures and medical equipment were either damaged or destroyed.

The major cities of Ramallah, Hebron, Nablus, Bethlehem and Tulkarem which are under the administration of the Palestinian Authority have been subjected to house to house searches by the Israeli Army. These raids leave the homes in a desperate condition and it is traumatising for the Children. Drinkable Water and Electricity have been cut for several hours in many Cities and Villages.

Since June 12th, the Gaza strip has been under aerial attack and there have been at least 15 air strikes. There have been 7 casualties, among which two Children of 7 and 5 years old. Two factories have been bombed and destroyed by the air strikes and many Farm areas have been heavily damaged. The attacks on the Gaza strip violate the cease fire agreements mediated by Egypt between Palestine and Israel signed on November 21st 2012.
All this is happening during the 8th week of hunger strikes of which 185 Palestinian administrative detainees are kept without process or charge in Israeli jails. This week has also seen the reconciliation process between the two governments that are administering the Palestinian Territories.

We hope with all of our hearths that the three Israeli citizens, Gil-ad Shaer, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrach, that disappeared on the 12th of June will be found soon and safely return to their families.

At the same time, we want to stress that the tree disappeared in area C, whose security is under the supervision of the Israeli Authority. It is therefore unconceivable to adoperate a collective punishment on the Palestinian Population for something that happened in a region in which the Palestinian Authority does not have any control.

The below signed, writes to ask to strongly condemn the Israeli government and to stop the collective punishment that is being perpetrated against the Palestinian population . We are asking you to intervene and demand Israel to immediately cease fire. At the same time we ask to free the prisoners that have been arrested and to support the requests of the prisoners that are undergoing a hunger strike in accordance to the Geneva Convention, ratified by Israel both in 1951 and in 2007.

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