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Every upper caste citizen of India: Stop using caste in your names

Every upper caste citizen of India: Stop using caste in your names

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This petition has been created by Pirate P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Pirate P.
started this petition to
Every upper caste citizen of India
The largest manifestation of caste is in people's names. If you truly believe caste discrimination does not exist today, start with yourself, stop taking advantage of your upper caste privilleges using your name. Once a large number of upper castes remove caste from their names it will make a strong argument for removing caste based reservations.

If you can't even accept a name without your caste privillege, stop demanding an end to caste based reservations.

Lets do it in steps,

1. Don't identify yourself with your caste.
2. Marry outside your caste.
3. Don't mention caste for your kids.
4. Demand an end to caste based reservations.

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