
From Software: Bring Demon's Souls to the PS4!
Jan S.
started this petition to
From Software
From Software will soon release an upgraded version of Dark Souls 2, called "Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin" for the PS4 and Xbox One. With that impending release, there also have been many discussions in the Souls Community on whether "Demon's Souls" (the origin of the Souls series), should also get a remasterd version of it on the PlayStation 4. The vast majority of those commenting have stated that a new and updated version of "Demon's Souls" would be extremely valuable to them and would eagerly pay for it on Sony's console, PS4.
As the game in question was released in Japan over six years ago, many people have not had the opportunity to play it. Now that the PlayStation 3 is a legacy system, many have moved on to the more powerful and current PS4. By creating a new version, it would be a great opportunity for people who only have the PS4 to be able to play the game that started it all for the Souls Series.
It is arguably, the best Souls game and it's unique mechanics and the atmosphere it achieves is still unmatched. Without it, the Souls Series would not even be a reality. Events like "Return to the Nexus" or the "Weekly Fight Club" clearly show that people still love and play "Demon's Souls". The Souls Community, however, believes that the game should not fade into obscurity, but rather, begin again on a more powerful console that could truly bring the famed game to its truest potential.
Now, we ask you, From Software, to please bring Demon's Souls to the PS4. We are confident that you are able to transform our favorite game into the best Souls game ever! Please consider taking the opportunity to bringing "Demon's Souls" to the newest age of video games on PlayStation 4. We will surely support this effort and gladly pay for the privaledge!With high regards, All your Demon's Souls fans
As the game in question was released in Japan over six years ago, many people have not had the opportunity to play it. Now that the PlayStation 3 is a legacy system, many have moved on to the more powerful and current PS4. By creating a new version, it would be a great opportunity for people who only have the PS4 to be able to play the game that started it all for the Souls Series.
It is arguably, the best Souls game and it's unique mechanics and the atmosphere it achieves is still unmatched. Without it, the Souls Series would not even be a reality. Events like "Return to the Nexus" or the "Weekly Fight Club" clearly show that people still love and play "Demon's Souls". The Souls Community, however, believes that the game should not fade into obscurity, but rather, begin again on a more powerful console that could truly bring the famed game to its truest potential.
Now, we ask you, From Software, to please bring Demon's Souls to the PS4. We are confident that you are able to transform our favorite game into the best Souls game ever! Please consider taking the opportunity to bringing "Demon's Souls" to the newest age of video games on PlayStation 4. We will surely support this effort and gladly pay for the privaledge!With high regards, All your Demon's Souls fans
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