
Getting a male Pink Power Ranger
Oliver E.
started this petition to
Saban Brands
Okay there are a lot of problems in the world and this won't really change many of them but it will be pretty freaking cool.
For a while now I have liked the colour pink, it's a pretty awesome colour but there's this weird assumption that I have noticed. Wearing pink, especially around younger children makes a guy "Girly" or "Gay" now I have no problems with either of those things so being bullied for it isn't right. If young children are to accept this colour we need a hero, my vote: a Power Ranger. Now I am aware with issues with Sentai but Saban have created rangers before so why not have a pink male, just for a few episodes if it has to be.
C'mon Saban, make pink powerful!
For a while now I have liked the colour pink, it's a pretty awesome colour but there's this weird assumption that I have noticed. Wearing pink, especially around younger children makes a guy "Girly" or "Gay" now I have no problems with either of those things so being bullied for it isn't right. If young children are to accept this colour we need a hero, my vote: a Power Ranger. Now I am aware with issues with Sentai but Saban have created rangers before so why not have a pink male, just for a few episodes if it has to be.
C'mon Saban, make pink powerful!
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