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Government of Norway: Return Children to Their Mothers

Government of Norway: Return Children to Their Mothers

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This petition has been created by Mirek K. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Mirek K.
started this petition to
Government of Norway


Two Czech children were taken from their mother by Barnevernet (Norwegian child welfare). This happened based on an accusation, which the Norwegian Police later declared groundless. Yet, the mother has been fighting to get her kids back for the last 4 years.

Many families from other countries have suffered similar fates in the hands of Barnevernet. Barnevernet has divided families from Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Estonia, India, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, and, of course, has taken many Norwegian children as well.

It happens, unfortunately, that Barnevernet takes a child from parents without any proof of abuse or neglect, usually based on a mere statement from a neighbour or on a recommendation of Barnevernet infamous psychologists. The children are then given to foster parents who earn good money from the Government on this scheme.

There is no SATISFACTORY control mechanism for child protection. This fact also emerges with screaming clarity in those cases in which the authorities should have intervened, but did not.

No one is in charge and the arrogant and brutal Barnevernet is still allowed to operate almost as a State within the State. Have children become a business in Norway?



To Tsjekkiske barn ble tatt fra deres mor av det norske barnevernet. Grunnlaget var påstander som det norske Politiet seinere har erklært for grunnløse. Allikevel har moren måtte kjempe i 4 år mot Barnevernet for å få barna sine tilbake.

Mange familier fra andre land har også lidd lignende skjebner i møte med det norske Barnevernet, de har splittet familer fra Brazil, Chile, Estland, India, Lithauen, Polen, Russland, Slovakia, Sverige, Tsjekkia, og selvsagt har også Barnevernet urettmessig tatt mange norske barn.

Det hender dessverre at Barnevernet tar barn fra foreldre uten bevis for verken mishandling, vanskjøtsel eller overgrep, gjerne basert på utsagnet til en nabo og videre Barnevernets beryktede psykologer. Barna viderefordeles til fast engasjerte fosterforeldre som tjener gode penger fra Staten på denne ordningen.

Det finnes ingen TILFREDSSTILLENDE kontrollordninger for Barnevernet, noe som også framgår med skrikende klarhet i de sakene der Barnevernet skulle ha grepet inn, men ikke gjorde det.

Ingen er ansvarlige og et arrogant og brutalt Barnevern får fortsatt lov til å operere nesten som en stat i staten. Har barn blitt business i Norge?



Dvě české děti byly odebrány matce norskou službou ochrany dítěte (Barnevernet), a to na základě oznámení, které norská policie později prohlásila za nepodložené. I tak matka poslední 4 roky bojuje, aby své děti dostala zpět.

Mnoho rodin utrpělo v rukou Barnevernetu podobný osud. Barnevernet rozdělil rodiny z Brazílie, Chile, České republiky, Estonska, Indie, Litevska, Polska, Ruska, Slovenska, Švédska, a samozřejmě bere mnoho dětí také norským rodičům.

Bohužel se stává, že Barnevernet odebere dítě rodičům bez jakéholiv důkazu, že by rodiče dělali něco špatného, a na základě udání souseda nebo doporučení nechvalně proslulých psychologů. Děti jsou pak dávány pěstounům, kteří z tohoto systému získávají slušné peníze.

ÚČINNÝ mechanismus pro kontrolu Barnevernetu přitom neexistuje. Tato skutečnost je rovněž do očí bijící v případech, kdy Barnevernet měl zasáhnout a neučinil tak.

Barnevernet se nemusí nikomu zodpovídat, a tak tento brutální a arogantní úřad stále působí téměř jako stát ve státě. Staly se děti v Norsku kšeftem?



https://www.facebook.com/barnefjern https://www.facebook.com/CeskoVratmeDetiRodicum https://www.facebook.com/stopbarnevernetnow

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