
Governments: End Apostasy Laws, Discrimination & Violence against Islam's Non Believers
Maryam N.
started this petition to
We, the undersigned, are appalled that 13 countries have criminal codes which punish apostasy with the death penalty. We are also extremely concerned about the situation of the ex-Muslims amongst us who face social discrimination, death threats and violence, including from their families and communities.
We call on governments to take immediate action to end apostasy laws as well as social discrimination and violence against Islam's non-believers.
The rights to religion and free expression are meaningless without the corresponding rights to be free from and to criticise religion.
We call on governments to take immediate action to end apostasy laws as well as social discrimination and violence against Islam's non-believers.
The rights to religion and free expression are meaningless without the corresponding rights to be free from and to criticise religion.
(Updated )
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