Grant Peter Sunde's (of The Pirate Bay) plea for pardon
Update - Petition delivered to the Swedish Department for Justice
On thursday, august 3, the petition with 113 338 names was delivered to the Swedish Department for Justice. The petition will be open for new signatures for those who still want to show their support and send a message to the politicians. However no more signatures will be handed over to the Swedish government.
English pressrelease: http://pastebay.net/1070903
Swedish pressrelease:http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/piratpartiet/pressrelease/view/mer-aen-100-000-personer-kraever-att-regeringen-beviljar-peter-sundes-naadeansoekan-782563
German article:https://netzpolitik.org/2012/filesharing-uber-100-000-menschen-fordern-gnade-fur-peter-sunde/
Update 17 july
Early this morning we passed 100 000 signatures. It took three days to go from 5 000 to 100 000. New goal is half a million (500 000) signatures. We can make it, we have 13 days to go. Share this page with all your friends!
Update 14 july
www.thepiratebay.se has posted the petition on their front page. We have gone from 1000 signatures a day to about 3000 per hour.
Update 11 july 2012
Peter support our petition - http://blog.brokep.com/2012/07/10/wow-update-on-all-the-support/
Original post:
A few days ago, Peter “Brokep” Sunde – the former media spokesperson of The Pirate Bay – sent a formal plea for pardon to the Swedish Administration. This is a procedure where you can get a judicial sentencing undone by the political administration in exceptional circumstances.
On April 17, 2009, a verdict was handed down that led the world to blank stares of disbelief, then furious anger. The two operators of The Pirate Bay, its media spokesperson, and a fourth unrelated person were sentenced to one year in jail each and damages that, by now, well exceed 10 million euros. This was essentially a declaration of war against an entire generation. The case was appealed and lost, and the Supreme Court denied to hear the case, to everybody’s surprise except the establishment’s.
This Petition is to make the Swedish government grant Peter's Plea for pardon.
The plea for pardon, english translation: http://falkvinge.net/2012/07/06/aftermath-of-the-pirate-bay-trial-peter-sundes-plea-in-his-own-words/
Peter's original posting, in Swedish: http://blog.brokep.com/2012/07/04/nadeansokan/
För några dagar sedan skickade Peter “Brokep” Sunde – Före detta talespersonen för The Pirate Bay – in en nådeansökan till Svenska regeringen. Regeringen får enligt regeringsformen, en av grundlagarna, genom nåd befria någon från en brottspåföljd eller mildra påföljden. Det är regeringens sak att avgöra i varje enskilt ärende om nåd ska beviljas eller inte.
Den 17 april 2009 dömdes The Pirate Bays två administratörer, dess talesperson samt en fjärde, orelaterad person till ett år var i fängelse och skadestånd som med ränta nu är uppe i över 100 miljoner kronor. Fallet överklagades och förlorades igen. Det överklagades till Högsta Domstolen som, till allas förvåning, nekade att ta upp fallet.
Den här namninsamlingen är för att få Sveriges regering att bevilja Peters nådeansökan.
Peter har publicerat sin nådeansökan på sin blogg: