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Hasan Tuluy, World Bank, VP Latin America and Caribbean: Stop funding the Dominican Rep. gt. until it reverses the denationalisation

Hasan Tuluy, World Bank, VP Latin America and Caribbean: Stop funding the Dominican Rep. gt. until it reverses the denationalisation

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This petition has been created by Ruolz A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ruolz A.
started this petition to
Hasan Tuluy, World Bank, VP Latin America and Caribbean

What a great way to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela by signing this anti-aparheid petition.

Actually, the international community shoud be very concerned about the risk that many thousands of people in the Dominican Republic, mainly of Haitian descent, may be deprived of their nationality, which was granted several decades ago, in some cases. I understand that conditions for granting nationality are for the Dominican Republic to decide. However, international law provides that no one may be arbitrarily deprived of nationality and imposes certain limits on states’ powers in this regard, particularly if states act in a way that may result in statelessness.

Specifically, Article 8 of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness provides that states may not deprive individuals of their nationality if such deprivation would render them stateless. Dominican Republic is a signatory to this treaty and so obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat its object and purpose.

Besides, Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (HDHR) provides that everyone has the right to a nationality and no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her nationality. This is underscored in Article 20 of the American Convention on Human Rights which also states that “Every person has the right to the nationality of the State in whose territory he was born if he does not have the right to any other nationality”. The constitutional decision also directly contravenes a 2005 landmark ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights which provides clear guidance on the interpretation to be given to the category of “foreigner in transit”.

Given that in spite of these international human rights obligations, the Dominican authorities have decided to implement the recent ruling by the Tribunal Constitucional and has proceeded to mass deportation of individuals born in the DR from Haitian parents (whose illegal status was orchestrated by the DR gvt itself), I call on the World Bank to stop funding the Dominican Republic government until it reverses the denationalisation ruling and the mass deportation and takes all necessary measures, including legislative, to grant all individuals of foreign descent access to the identity documents necessary for them to be able to exercise their human rights.

Respectfully yours.

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