Ban the Hong Kong Ivory Trade
Here's a message from the petition organisers, Lucy Lan Skrine (柯嵐), aged 11, and Christina Seigrist (孫藍慧), aged 8, who both live and go to school in Hong Kong.
“Tens of thousands of elephants are slaughtered every year for their ivory and Hong Kong can do something important to help stop this evil trade. We were horrified to discover that there have been seven seizures of smuggled ivory this year alone, and that the Hong Kong government has a stockpile of 12 tonnes of ivory collected in the past three years alone. The total stockpile could be as big as 33 tonnes.
Can you imagine how many elephants died for that huge pile of tusks cluttering up our customs warehouses? Destroying confiscated ivory means it can never be traded again and sends a powerful message to poachers. The Philippines crushed and burnt five tonnes of tusks in June 2013. The United States then crushed six tons in November 2013. And in January 2014 China destroyed another six tons. A global trend has emerged. It is now time the Hong Kong government do the same with its stockpile.
We must do something. It’s our responsibility. Elephants are being driven to the brink of extinction by the ivory trade. If we don’t act, they could be extinct within our lifetimes!
Destroying the stockpiles is only a start. We also want the Hong Kong Government to enact a permanent ban on ivory sales in Hong Kong. Then the Chinese government should ban its domestic ivory trade too. They should shut down the 145 shops selling ivory products, which are owned by 70 private companies. And of course China should close down all of its 37 state-owned ivory carving factories across the country.
But as a first step, we want you to sign our petition asking the Hong Kong government to crush and burn the stockpile of ivory. We want Hong Kong to send a message to the world that ivory isn’t welcome here and we won’t allow our city to be any part of this cruel trade. Think about the elephants that died to create that 33 tonne pile of tusks. We must do all we can to make sure they didn’t die for nothing!”
If you would like to know more about Lucy and Christina's campaign, please visit 'Hong Kong for Elephants' on Facebook or Twitter.
https://twitter.com/HK4elephants @HK4elephants
Thank you.
兩名香港學童 - 十一歲的柯嵐和八歲的孫藍慧是今次聯署行動的發起人,以下是她們的訴求:
https://twitter.com/HK4elephants @HK4elephants
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