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John Griffiths AM - Minister for Culture and Sport.: Save Cardiff Coal Exchange from substantial demolition

John Griffiths AM - Minister for Culture and Sport.: Save Cardiff Coal Exchange from substantial demolition

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Jon A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Jon A.
started this petition to
John Griffiths AM - Minister for Culture and Sport.

The Coal Exchange is grade 2* listed, and one of the finest buildings in Wales. Cardiff is on the brink of losing this significant piece of its architectural and industrial heritage because of a blatant disregard for its value by Cardiff Council. The building is deemed unsafe and about to collapse....but there is little evidence of this. The building can be saved from demolition with your support.

Achub Gyfnewidfa Lo rhag dymchwel sylweddol.
Mae'r Gyfnewidfa Lo yn radd 2 * rhestredig, ac yn un o'r adeiladau gorau yng Nghymru. Mae Caerdydd ar fin colli darn sylweddol o'i threftadaeth bensaernïol a diwydiannol oherwydd diystyru yn llwyr am ei werth gan Gyngor Caerdydd. Ystyrir bod y adeilad yn anniogel ac ar fin cwympo .... ond nid oes fawr o dystiolaeth o hyn. Gall yr adeilad cael eu cadw rhag cael eu dymchwel gyda eich cefnogaeth.

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