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Landfill Companies: We want you to decrease landfill methane and gas emissions!

Landfill Companies: We want you to decrease landfill methane and gas emissions!

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Methane X. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Methane X.
started this petition to
Landfill Companies, New York Landfills, USA Politicians
Methane is 83x more powerful than carbon dioxide and induces climate change by 25%. Just three months ago, a paper by researchers of the Universities of Yale and Florida published new data to emphasize that landfills are undoubtedly the leading source of methane emission, one of the most harmful greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change and global warming. One prevalent emission of methane is from dissolved methane from landfill leachate, the water from landfills. In terms of what landfills can do to create a more green environment, they can produce clean energy if they efficiently capture methane emissions. So let's do our part to X Methane!
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