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Michael Creed: Stop Ireland's puppy farming
Lorraine R.
started this petition to
Michael Creed TD: Department of Agriculture
Exploited for money
Ireland's puppy farming puts profit before the well-being of its dogs. Conditions are often dire and lacking in the most basic of amenities. Dogs are kept in tiny cages and lidded wooden whelping boxes, allowing for little or no natural light. Boxes of this kind are illegal under the Dog Breeding Establishment Act 2010 Guidelines .
Legislation that doesn't protect
The ISPCA has expressed concerns regarding the welfare of dogs on a large puppy farm in Cavan, conditions which are likely indicative of puppy farms across Ireland.
The Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2013 doesn't protect the dogs on puppy farms, they are commodities who live tragic lives until they have served their purpose.
Thousands of dogs find their way to Irish pounds every year, we have no shortage of dogs needing homes. In 2014, 2,896 healthy dogs were needlessly put down .
Let's tell Agricultural Minister Michael Creed that the business of puppy farming has no place in a compassionate and humane society.
We need to stop the cycle of exploitation and close Ireland's puppy farms . Shutting the farms will save the lives of animals who deserve and need our protection.
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Ireland's puppy farming puts profit before the well-being of its dogs. Conditions are often dire and lacking in the most basic of amenities. Dogs are kept in tiny cages and lidded wooden whelping boxes, allowing for little or no natural light. Boxes of this kind are illegal under the Dog Breeding Establishment Act 2010 Guidelines .
Legislation that doesn't protect
The ISPCA has expressed concerns regarding the welfare of dogs on a large puppy farm in Cavan, conditions which are likely indicative of puppy farms across Ireland.
The Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2013 doesn't protect the dogs on puppy farms, they are commodities who live tragic lives until they have served their purpose.
Thousands of dogs find their way to Irish pounds every year, we have no shortage of dogs needing homes. In 2014, 2,896 healthy dogs were needlessly put down .
Let's tell Agricultural Minister Michael Creed that the business of puppy farming has no place in a compassionate and humane society.
We need to stop the cycle of exploitation and close Ireland's puppy farms . Shutting the farms will save the lives of animals who deserve and need our protection.
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