Minister Heather Humphreys: Don't License Cruel Hare Coursing
The fate of thousands of Irish hares lies in the hands of one politician - Arts and Heritage Minister Heather Humphreys. Please join us in urging Minister Humphreys to halt the horror for hares and refuse a licence for another season of coursing cruelty.
In coursing, hares which have been forcefully taken from the wild are used as live lures for pairs of greyhounds. Every coursing season, hare injuries and deaths occurred. All hares used suffer the fear and stress of running for their lives in front of a cheering mob.
Urge Minister Heather Humphreys not to issue a licence for another season of hare coursing.
Email "Stop the cruelty. Don't license hare coursing" to Heather.Humphreys@oireachtas.ie,ministers.office@ahg.gov.ie
Tel: (01) 888 2000
Witness the cruelty at