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Mr.Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain: We call on you to release Mr. Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain

Mr.Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain: We call on you to release Mr. Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain

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This petition has been created by Hala G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Hala G.
started this petition to
Mr.Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain
To The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

We request the immediate release of Mr. Alhussain

Join the campaign to release Mr. Waleed Aldod Almaki Alhussain, 43 year old from the Saudi Arabian detention.

The Saudi Arabian securities and police entered Mr. Alhussain's house in the city of Alkhobar in July 23rd, 2015 and confiscated his passport, computer and cell phone, including his wife's.

We request the immediate release of Sudanese national Mr. Waleed A. A. Al-Hussain and abrogation of his deportation decision to Sudan . In the event that the Saudi authorities decided to end his current legal stay status , we request that they grant him his alienable right to choose the country he & his family would like to relocate to .Under no circumstances should he be handed over to the notorious, inhumane and lawless Sudan Security apparatus . On July 23,2015 , the Saudi secret police tricked Mr. Al-Hussain (43 years old ) to gain entry to his apartment in the city of Al-Khobar . He lived with his then full –term pregnant wife, Douaa , along with his two small daughters (6 & 3 years old ).The apartment was ransacked , computers , cell phone and his family passports and papers were confiscated .

Throughout his nearly 50 days of detention , his pregnant wife was granted 2 short visits where he reported good treatment , no abuse & only one session of interrogation . He was asked about his connection with Sudan leading & very popular Al-Rakoba website . He acknowledged publishing that news website in 2005 but denied being the only operational editor .
Indeed , as a result of the massive growth of Al-Rakoba over the years , its editorial board is now composed of several multi-country editors across the globe .A proof of that claim is exhibited in the fact that Al-Rakoba kept running its daily editions & updates as Mr. Al-Hussain is being incarcerated .

On August 31 his wife was summoned , from her maternity leave , to pay him her final farewell and was told he would be deported to Khartoum , Sudan .

It is evident that Mr. Al-Hussain has not violated any Saudi law and his long detention was not necessitated by a criminal conduct . Actually , his 15 years of stay record stands spotless . Waleed was a dedicated family person , exemplary employee , a decent professional & admired friend within his small social circle .

We fear for Mr. Al-Hussain life if he is handed over to a security apparatus of Sudan whose very Commander –in-Chief and President is a fugitive wanted by The International Criminal Court Of Justice , ICC, for the human genocide & appalling crimes in Darfur.

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