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Multiple Sclerosis as an „invented diseease“ by Big Pharma – many billions dollars gains yearly! Stop this nonsense!

Multiple Sclerosis as an „invented diseease“ by Big Pharma – many billions dollars gains yearly! Stop this nonsense!

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This petition has been created by Ryszard W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ryszard W.
started this petition to
Ministry of Health
To start a quotation of Dr. Franz Schelling :
"In view of the given facts we must ask ourselves whether the Multiple Sclerosis patient's shameless exploitation for an as senseless as profitable drug experimentation, grounded in an illogical Multiple Sclerosis "definition" and "identification", does not form an ethical issue."

Over 2,5 million of people in the whole world suffer from Multiple Sclerosis.

These patients are deceived and lied to by neurologists in order to claim money from the health funds in exchange for ineffective and expensive remedies, which destroy the immunological system of the ill person. The side effects for instance of the drug Tysabri (Biogen Corp.) killed in the US only 665 persons. Multiple Sclerosis causes an unstable blood circulation system, and neurologists know it perfectly. The removal of the causes of multiple sclerosis takes an operation of about one hour time (CCSVI-removal): however then both the neurologists and big pharma would not earn 9 billions of dollars per year on a global scale. For the year 2017 they plan to earn 20 billions from this disease.

Let’s not allow further the unpunished activities of the medical-pharmaceutical mafia, which achieves its goals by means of corruption. Please read the confessions of a former director of a pharmaceutical company - John Virapen - in his book “Side Effects: death”.

Medical doctors and big pharma kill unpunished more people than firearms!
The biggest criminal in the world is big pharma!
It is time to stop this diabolical circle at the cost of sick persons.

Thank you for your signatures.

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