Municipality of Volos (Greece), Greek Ministries: Protect stray animals of Volos, Greece
The Municipality of Volos in Greece decided -under unlawful conditions- to capture stray animals and place them in an unsuitable place where no proper shelter and care can be provided to them. The mayor refused any cooperation with local volunteers. We ask you to join us and sign this petition in order to demand from the responsible services to take action and protect stray animals of Volos.
(photo taken from the moment of capturing)
In 19th of October the Municipality of Volos decided to capture stray animals and place them at a very unsuitable place. The local shelter has no place for more dogs and the conditions are already very difficult. The place that the Municipality wants to offer for a new shelter is just an area with rocks, no adequate place for the dogs to live in and no shelter. In fact, it is not ready yet and we do not know whether the authorities are willing to prepare it according to the law. You cannot gather stray animals if there is no proper place available to put them. Moreover, according to the Greek Law (4039/2013), all the strays should be vaccinated, neutered/spayed, have medical care, microchipped and be available for adoption. For those, that will not be adopted and they are healthy, the law says that they need to be free at the place where they had been taken from and the Municipality can provide them with food and water at specific places. As you can understand, the shelter is temporary because otherwise we do not speak for a shelter but for a prison. However, the authorities are talking about confinement. Last but not least, capturing should be done by experienced staff supervised by a vet. Up until now, nothing has happened according to the law and the Mayor said: “This is what we decided and accept it whether you agree or not. There will be no cooperation with animal welfare organizations and local volunteers”.
We demand all the responsible services to take action and protect the stray animals of Volos.