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No more Death Penalty for Cannabis! Spare Thitima Khongnun's life!

No more Death Penalty for Cannabis! Spare Thitima Khongnun's life!

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This petition has been created by Mikeferdy M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Mikeferdy M.
started this petition to
Malaysian High Court, Malaysian Court of Appeals, The Leaders of ASEAN

On the 20th of October 2011, Thitima Khongnun, a single mother from Thailand, was caught in Alor Setar with 18,172 grams of Cannabis. And because of her crime, the mother of two have been sentenced by the Malaysian high court to the death penalty on the 2nd of July 2013.

Regardless of her intent, it is absolutely immoral to rob the two children of the life of their mother. Especially since the crime is only for trafficking marijuana.

We, the Marijuana advocates of ASEAN;
Singapore Cannabis Awareness - Singapore
Gerakan Edukasi Ganja Malaysia- Malaysia
Lingkaran Ganja Nusantara - Indonesia
PORMAL - The Philippines

have fought to raise awareness about the Cannabis plant, how the government continue to lie about the dangers of Marijuana, the many medical benefit of Medical Cannabis and the destructiveness of prohibition. However, our words have continue to fall on deaf hears as some of the leaders of the ASEAN nation continue the barbaric law of having the death penalty for a plant that has never killed anyone.

With many of the Western countries pushing towards legalization, we would like to seek the help of all human rights and marijuana advocates to speak in one voice, "NO MORE DEATH PENALTY FOR CANNABIS!" We have seen too many being hanged for this plant. Let us try to save this mother's life.
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