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اوقفوا رئيس جامعة يضرب الطالبات في السودان - Stop University President beating students in Sudan

اوقفوا رئيس جامعة يضرب الطالبات في السودان - Stop University President beating students in Sudan

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This petition has been created by Wala S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Wala S.
started this petition to
Partner organizations of Ahfad University for Women, UN Women, UNFPA, World Health Organization, The World Bank, UNDP, UNCEF, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
اوقفوا رئيس جامعة يضرب الطالبات في السودان
Stop university president beating students in Sudan

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بتاريخ 10 يناير2018 ، تعرضت عدد من طالبات جامعة الأحفاد للبنات للضرب من قِبل رئيس الجامعة. تم تسجيل الواقعة عن طريق فيديو إنتشر بشكل واسع على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي، يظهر بالفيديو الدكتور قاسم بدري، رئيس الجامعة و الأستاذ بقسم التعليم المبكر، و هو يعتدي بالضرب على عدد من الطالبات.

على الرغم من بشاعة الفعل، إلا أنه و بتاريخ 12 يناير 2018، صرح الدكتور قاسم بدري للصحف بأنه غير نادم على ضرب الطالبات، و برر ذلك بأنها طريقته في التربية و التعليم ، فضلاً عن ذلك، صرح الدكتور بأنه لن يتوقف عن ضرب الطالبات.

إن جامعة الأحفاد للبنات تقوم بتقديم نفسها على أنها مؤسسة معنية بتدريب النساء ليكن شريكات فاعلات في التغيير. لذا فإنه من الصادم أن نرى تسامح نفس المؤسسة مع هذا الإنتهاك الصريح لحقوق وكرامة طالباتها من قبل رئيس الجامعة.

إن ما قام به رئيس الجامعة يجب أن يخضع للتحقيق، كما يجب ان يتم ايقاف الدكتور قاسم بدري عن ممارسة مهامه بالجامعة حتى اكتمال التحقيق و نشر نتيجته.

يمكننا المساهمة في حدوث ذلك من خلال الضغط الجاد على المؤسسات الشريكة لجامعة الاحفاد للبنات. تقدم هذه المؤسسات دعماَ مادياَ و معنوياَ لجامعة الاحفاد و ادارتها، مما يجعل دورهم مهماَ و فاعلاَ في ضمان حصول الطالبات على اقل مقومات المعاملة الانسانية الكريمة.
توقيعك على هذا العريضة يعني دعمك لتوفير المناخ الصحي والكريم لطالبات جامعة الأحفاد للبنات.

A university student was beaten and assaulted inside the university campus by the university president. This took place on January 10th, 2018, in Ahfad University for Women were Professor Dr. Gasim Badri is University President and Professor of early childhood education.

Videos of Dr. Badri violently beating and assaulting student(s) inside the university went viral on social media. Though the actions are despicable and shocking, Dr. Gasim Badri stated in newspapers on January 12th, 2018 that he has no regrets on beating a students, that this is his way of education and he will continue doing so.

The Ahfad University (a women‐only school) promotes itself as an institution that aims to train and equip women to become active change agents in the development of Sudan. Therefore it comes extremely shocking to see this institution tolerate acts of human rights abuse and human dignity violations against its students by none other than the university president.

The actions of Dr. Gasim Badri must be investigated and he must be suspended from his position until the findings of a just and unbiased investigation are publicly published.
We can make that happen by applying due pressure on the partner organizations of Ahfad University for Women. These organizations provide generous financial and moral support to the university and its management, hence they should play a role in insuring their ultimate target group, the students, get the basic humane treatment.

Please sign this petition and show your support for healthy, just and dignifying environment for the students of Ahfad University for women.

Here is the email to be sent:

Sudan‐ A university president is beating students and your organization is a partner
Letter to:
UN Women
World Health Organization
The World Bank
Norwegian Church Aid
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

We cannot sit by and watch the repeated acts of physical and verbal abuse against Ahfad University students by the university president.

We have watched the videos of Professor Dr. Gasim Badri physically assault students of Ahfad University inside the university campus on January 10th, 2018 as well as his public statements in newspapers where he asserted his right to beat students as a mean of education (see Altayar newspaper January 12th, 2018).

The Ahfad University for Women promotes itself as an institution that aims to train and equip women to become active change agents in the development of Sudan. Therefore it comes extremely shocking to see this institution tolerate acts of human rights abuse and human dignity violations against its students by none other than the university president.

As partner organization of Ahfad University for women, you are equally responsible for enforcing and ensuring a healthy environment and a fair treatment for the university students and staff within the campus to say the least. The actions of the Ahfad University for Women represents its values and its partners’ values, whether towards the surrounding community, the staff or the students. And the values we saw in the video of Professor Dr. Gasim Badri beating students are despicable and flawed.
  • We want an investigation to be held on all actions of physical and verbal abuse by Ahfad University staff against students, by a committee from the university, its partners and external parties.
  • We want Professor Dr. Gasim Badri to be suspended from his possession as University President and Professor of early childhood education, until the investigation is finalized and findings are published publicly.
  • We want a review of the university code of conduct that allows such acceptance of physical abuse within the campus and tolerates statements from the university president violating the simplest requirements of human dignity for the university students.
  • We want an apology from Professor Dr. Gasim Badri to the student(s) who was assaulted and to the public.

We demand that your organization, as a partner of Ahfad University for Women, carry and enforce these actions with all the seriousness due to protect the human dignity of the university students, the values the university promotes and states, as well as your own organization’s declared values.

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